By: Athene | [ back to the top ] | DOWNLOAD:HERE(287 Kb) File Type(s): player2.fsh AlternaWings : A compilation by Athene: the Butterflies are from Jaguarbie's rodents with wings and altered by Tsumerai for felines; the musteline bat wings and canine fairy wings are Merle's, and the dragon equine wings are by MedleyPony. | DOWNLOAD: HERE(255 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh Ruin Walls | DOWNLOAD:HERE(2832 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, floors.fsh, wall.fsh, junction.fsh Far East Furcadia : A far east theme patch, right down to the rice paper walls and laquered tables. Includes various items such as paper lanterns, red columns, anime pookies, sake bottles, a water lilly, pink flower tree, sushi tables, and cots. | DOWNLOAD:HERE File Type(s): door1.bmp, door2.bmp, floor1.bmp, floor2.bmp, floor3.bmp, floor4.bmp, floor5.bmp, floor6.bmp, floor7.bmp, floor8.bmp, wall1.bmp, wall2.bmp A Mini-Patch : I made these walls and floors with the intention of using them in a Christmas dream, but never really completed it. I hope someone else can get better use of them ^.^ I imagine they would also be ideal for a hotel, or a rich furre's manor house. The patch is not for beginners though, it contains .bmp files to be added into any floor or wall fsh file, manually. | DOWNLOAD:HERE(97.9 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, wall.fbj, floore.fsh, floore.fbj Modern Apartment : Patch contains a free standing fireplace, updated faux finish walls, Merle's re-colored furniture, new flooring, and new doors.'Just a few walls/items/floors that people seem to want. They're good for modern apartment type dreams.' - Athene |