Self Healing Filter Patch

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  2. Self Healing Filter Patch
Self healing filter patchesPatch

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9 May, 2014 18:30
A new breakthrough in “self-healing” plastics has scientists looking forward to a future in which broken smartphones, utility pipes, and even satellites can repair themselves.

Developed by researchers at the University of Illinois, the new polymer is 100 times stronger then previously designed self-repairing plastics, making it capable of fixing holes as wide as 3 cm.

According to BBC News, researchers were inspired by the veins and arteries found in the human body, and moved to recreate a synthetic vascular system capable of delivering the liquid healing agent needed to patch holes that occur.

Download iphoto 9 for mac. 'Although self-healing of microscopic defects has been demonstrated, the re-growth of material lost through catastrophic damage requires a regenerative-like approach,' Professor Scott White, one of the lead researchers at the University of Illinois, told the news outlet.

Self Healing Filter Patches


Previously, scientists filled polymers with a capsule containing a specific chemical capable of making repairs. When the polymer was penetrated, the liquid was released and “bridged” the newly created gaps.

By recreating a network similar to the human vascular system, scientists developed a much faster way to distribute the healing chemicals, which now arrive in two different streams and combine to spread a gel-like substance over the affected area. When the gel hardens, the plastic regains roughly 62 percent of its original strength.

Self healing filter patches

'We filled regions exceeding 35mm within 20 minutes, and restored mechanical function within three hours,' the researchers wrote in an article for Science.

'Vascular systems can potentially eliminate fracture in materials by preventing small, noncritical cracks from propagating to critical sizes,” they added.

While the breakthrough is impressive, White and his fellow researchers stated that further research would be needed, and an even more effective distribution system would be required before the plastic would be able to repair itself after more devastating ruptures. In the future, scientists would like products to be able to repair themselves after suffering from bullet strikes and even bomb damage.

'When damage is unpredictable and uncontrolled, more complex and interconnected vascular networks will be necessary to provide sufficient vascular coverage and redundancy to circumvent channel blockage,' Prof White and his co-authors wrote.

Self Healing Filter Patch

Until then, let’s just hope they figure out a way to fix all these broken smartphone screens.

Inspired by the self-healing properties of soap films, scientists have created a liquid filter capable of trapping small particles while allowing larger ones to pass through. Instead of filtering particles by size, as conventional filters do, this liquid membrane filters particles by kinetic energy; only large, fast-moving objects pass through while slower and smaller ones get trapped. The membrane is a mixture of deionized water and sodium dodecyl sulfate, which allows researchers to finely tune the membrane’s surface tension and, therefore, how the filter behaves. Unlike soap films, the membrane is quite long-lived and robust. The team poked one for more than 3 hours without rupturing it.


The researchers envision some pretty neat applications for these membranes, including a surgical membrane that would keep out dust and bacteria while doctors work or a membrane in a waterless toilet that could trap odors inside. Will diwali ecommerce boom hurt brickandmortar retailers?. (Image and research credit: B. Stogin et al.; video credit: Science; submitted by Kam-Yung Soh)